

I have an affiliated link below. If you are unsure of what an affiliated link is, please read my “Disclosures/Disclaimers” and “Privacy Policy.” Thank you.

My name is Helen Brady, and I started my Helenmay Crochet You Tube Channel in November 2013.  I never expected that crocheting would become one of my favorite things to do. I have my You Tube viewers, and subscribers, to thank for motivating me to continue making fun, and easy to follow, You Tube video tutorials. People continue to share pictures of their finished crochet work with me, that they made watching my Tube video tutorials. Seeing the pictures, always makes my day! On my blog, go to “People who have shared their crochet work with me,” to see all of their lovely crochet work using my step-by-step You Tube video tutorials.

My Grandmother first taught me how to crochet a basic stitch when I was a little girl. I used to watch her crochet afghans as we watched television together. My grandmother’s bed doll’s were precious to her, and now I have them.


I made my crochet step-by-step bed doll You Tube video tutorial and dedicated it to her: direct You Tube video tutorial link:


I get asked a lot about the doll that I used for my crochet bed doll video tutorial, if you would like to see a doll like the one I purchased, click this affiliated link here.

The rest of my crochet skills were self-taught, using YouTube video tutorials. My first YouTube video tutorial was of a crochet bear, similar to my crochet sleepy bear video tutorial, and it had button eyes! The majority of crochet amigurumi now use either safety doll eyes, felt, or crochet eyes.  After making my first little crochet bear, I have been “hooked” ever since. I hope that you get “hooked” as well, and have as much fun as I do creating your own crochet masterpieces! Please share pictures with me of your finished crochet work!!! I would love to see them!