Recipes, YUM!


There are affiliate links below, if you are unsure of what affiliate links are please go to “Disclosures/Disclaimers” and “Privacy Policy” at the top of my HOME page. Affiliate links basically allow me to receive a very small referral fee, but only if you make purchases. Just because you go to the link doesn’t mean that I will receive a referral fee.

I am going to feature recipes on this site. On most of my kitchen crochet YouTube video tutorials, I usually will include a free recipe too!

You are going to love the aged to perfection flavors used by Chef Maria! The Grapefruit balsamic that I use is aged 12 years in Modena, Italy!!! So delicious! Click on the picture above or here to go to her site!

Check out Chef Maria’s free recipes on this site!! Chef Maria’s free recipes You can also purchase some of the aged Balsamic and oils on the same site! You will be amazed at all of the delicious flavors!

I add the most recent recipes first. Last updated 26APR20.

I absolutely love Brady’s hot sauce! My favorites are the sriracha and All Natural Louisiana, because those are the only one’s I have tried. In the future, I plan on trying others. If you would like to check out the non-affiliate link click, here, or the picture below:


Every once in a while, you have to satisfy the sweet tooth! I think that you are going to love these Lavender Cookies as much as I do!! The first time that I ever heard of cooking with lavender was when I tasted watermelon that was marinating in lavender, honey, and mint. Soooooooo delicious! This summer, you should give it a try! Right now, I am going to share a Lavender Cookie recipe. If you want to use a similar cooking lavender that I used to cook with, click here, or the picture below to go directly to the affiliate link:



If you would like to have a free PDF download for the Lavender cookie recipe that I used, here it is: Lavender cookie recipe

Lavender Cookie recipe:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a mixing bowl, combine: 1 3/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 4oz applesauce, 1 egg, 1 tsp vanilla, and 1/2 tsp lavender flowers. Optional (1tsp nutritional yeast flakes): Mix all of the ingredients well and spoon onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet by the tablespoon full and approximately 2 inches apart. Bake for approximately 10 to 15 minutes or until the edges are slightly golden brown. I baked mine for 15 minutes.

These cookies should not be overly sweet and are perfect to eat with coffee/tea. You can drizzle honey over them for a little extra sweetness!  I substituted applesauce for the 3/4 softened butter, but you can try that as well. The other substitution I made was 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup sugar instead of the 3/4 cups sugar that the original recipe called for.

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Happy Easter everyone!!! Try to stay healthy by eating fresh vegetables and salads!! Try to avoid heavy carbohydrate foods whenever possible.


I love this handy dandy PDF download that was shared by Cookin with Klibs Facebook site.   It is a helpful guide for how long fresh produce lasts.



I love “Cookin with Klibs” Facebook site! I always learn so much from her! This is her recent share:



Crusty Italian Bread – Easy, Inexpensive And Extremely Delicious

To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:

Ingredients :

Crusty Italian Bread
makes 2 loaves
1 1/3 cups warm water
2 1/4 teaspoons yeast
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
4 cups all purpose flour

Directions :

Place warm water, yeast and brown sugar in mixing bowl. Stir and let stand for a few minutes until it start to bubble and foam a bit.
Add olive oil and salt. Mix and add the flour gradually. You want to add enough that the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl. You want to mix it with the dough hook for a few minutes.
Cover and let the dough rise until doubled about 30 minutes.
Punch down dough and divide in two and form into two loaves (I doubled the recipe this time.)
Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until doubled.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Beat together:
1 egg
1 Tablespoon water
Brush the risen loaves with the egg mixture.
Make a single long quick cut down the center of the loaves with a sharp knife.
Now here’s the secret. Place atleast 1 cup hot water in a shallow pan and place it on the rack underneath the bread. The steam will make the crust turn perfectly. You may need to add a bit more water during cooking. You do not want it to evaporate.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the loaves turn golden brown and sound hollow when you tap them.
Remove from pan and let cool on racks. I always like to rub butter over the hot crust!

Source : allrecipes thanks Debbie Gilmore Fourie


Homemade Tortillas! This was shared by Facebook Budget Meals!!!  Love this group of people!!!

Flour tortillas: (my mama’s recipe)
4 cups AP flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp salt
1/3-1/2 cup oil (I use olive oil but you can use vegetable or canola… mama used to use lard or shortening but we switched when dad got high cholesterol, it works fine)
1-1/2 cup very warm water

Mix dry ingredients together. Work with your hands, drizzle in oil. Work until you can squeeze the mixture together and it will hold its shape slightly. Add warm water a little at a time until it feels like firm bread dough. The dough should pull away from the side of the bowl, shouldn’t be tacky. If so, sprinkle a little more flour. Turn out onto counter, knead until it feels like the back of your hand when making a loose fist. Should be relatively smooth. Cover bowl, let rest 15 min. while comal (griddle or cast iron skillet) heats up (a notch or so under medium heat). Roll out small ball of dough (about size of lg egg) onto floured surface. Cook about 1 minute or so per side. Use a fork or spatula if you have heat sensitive hands. Enjoy. Should yield 12-18 regular tortillas or 8-12 burrito tortillas.

Leftover dough can be refrigerated in a ziplock bag and rolled out for another day with just as much success. Or they can be rolled out and pre-cooked all at once just don’t brown all the way save a little for the reheating. Refrigerated dough will keep up to 5 days. Pre-made tortillas we’ll keep up to a week in the refrigerator and up to three months if properly stored in the freezer may I suggest gallon freezer Ziploc bags.

This recipe was posted by Carey L. in the Facebook Group Budget Meals! I can’t wait to try it!!!


Pizza bread (slow cooker recipe)

3 cups self raising flour
2 cups warm water
1/2 teaspoon salt

Add a teaspoon sweet chilli sauce and mixed herbs in the mix.

Mix and put in slow cooker then add toppings bacon, cheese, mushrooms, tomato, onion, garlic, etc
Cook for hour and a half on high 


FUN Kitchen Tips regarding potatoes!!


Did you know that you can make bread yeast from potatoes? I got this recipe from: “Leaf”  How to Make Bread Yeast from Potatoes article.

Bread yeast is used in baking to make dough rise. Without bread yeast, bread will not bake properly and will be flat in appearance. Bread yeast is available for purchase in many grocery stores. However, if you don’t have any bread yeast at home or do not have access to purchase it, you can make the bread yeast yourself out of potatoes. This type of bread yeast will encourage the dough to rise and will produce similar results to store-bought bread yeast.

Pour 3 cups of water into a pot and bring to a boil.

Put 2 large potatoes into the boiling water for 30 minutes.

Remove the potatoes and let cool. This could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Peel the potatoes with a potato peeler and mash the peeled potatoes in a bowl using a potato masher. You will no longer need the peels, so you can throw them away.

Add 1/4 cup of sugar, 2 tsp. of salt and 1 cup of warm water into the bowl with the mashed potatoes.

Stir the ingredients until they are completely mixed together and cover the bowl with a lid.

Put the bowl in a warm, dark place such as a kitchen cabinet and let sit for two days.

Remove the bowl after the second day and remove the lid. The contents will be fermented and smell slightly sour.

Use the yeast immediately or re-cover and place into the refrigerator until you are ready to use it. The yeast will remain fresh for about two months.


  • Two tbsp. of yeast made from potatoes is equal to 1 tbsp. of store-bought yeast.

Here is another fun tip about potatoes! Did you know that you can store them in the freezer from 10 to 12 months? Red potatoes and Yukon gold freeze best. I got this information from Good Cheap Eats “Freezing Potatoes” article. Check out their article for more great information!

No potatoes? You can make a sourdough starter with just flour and water.  I found this “Easy! Sourdough Starter” article from I am Homesteader.

No self-rising flower? You may like this tip for making your own:


This was shared in Facebook group Budget Mealsby Carey L. Carey said: “

Beer Bread 😍 also called 123 bread!

Edit: it would be better with self-raising flour not all purpose flour or add a tsp of baking powder per cup of flour used 🙂


Add 1/2 teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda per cup of flour.

beer bread

The Best Butternut Squash Slow Cooker Soup

The first time that I tasted Butternut Squash Soup, I fell in love!! It is so delicious, especially on a cold fall/winter’s day! It isn’t quite fall yet, but I saw a butternut squash on sale at the grocery store and I thought why not?!?!? I found this delicious Butternut Squash recipe online and decided to try it. I changed the coconut milk to coconut water:


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5 star Banana Bundt Cake!! I am always looking for ways to use my bananas that aren’t going to last long. I hate wasting them. I tried this recipe today, and it was absolutely delicious!! I hope that you enjoy it too!!  If you like my Crochet Cardinal Tunisian Crochet Hot Pad, here is the direct blog link: Tunisian Crochet Cardinal Bird Kitchen Hot pad/ Potholder

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I love watching this lady’s YouTube video tutorials! I made this recipe for dinner one night and it was delicious! I added the egg and cheese to mine for more flavor. 🙂

“Italian Grandma Makes Zucchini Soup”


Honey Lime Chicken Tacos:

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I really love the creamy avocado sauce!! I made the salsa from scratch too.

If you like the beautiful crochet Fiesta Ripple Dress hot pad/potholder and/or Tawashi, here is the direct link to make one: Crochet Fiesta Ripple Hot pad/Potholder Dress

Here is the recipe for your Honey Lime Chicken Ortega Tacos!

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Pancakes from Scratch:

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Some of you may know from one of my previous recipes that we love pancakes from scratch! Well, the other day I was walking through the grocery store and saw these nutritional yeast flakes and thought they would be delicious in my pancakes!

You can purchase nutritional yeast flakes on Amazon prime too! Click here, or the picture below, to go directly to the affiliate link.


I also changed from white flour to Multi-grain flour to make my pancakes. These deliciously nutritious pancakes would be perfect for Father’s Day too! If you would like to see additional twists for delicious pancakes, keep scrolling down until you reach my other pancake recipe.

Homemade deliciously nutritious pancakes from scratch:

  • 1 cup multi-grain flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • optional: a dash of cinnamon (I love cinnamon, so I actually add a little more to mine)
  • 1 TBSP nutritional yeast flakes (For my first batch I added the serving size which was 2 TBSP but my husband said it gave an after-taste and made them taste a little dry. He couldn’t even tell I added the yeast flakes when I used only 1 TBSP.)
  • 3/4 cup milk (I use skim milk for mine)
  • 1 dollop (heaping TBSP) of Chobani’s Greek Vanilla Yogurt
  • 1 egg

Whisk the dry ingredients first, then add the wet ingredients. If your pancake mix is too thick, add a very little bit of milk at a time until it is the thickness that you want. You don’t want your pancake mix to be too runny.  Enjoy!!!!

Baker and Olive Zinger Boxes

I can tell you that my father received his Father’s Day gift already. So, I can share what I gave him here. I shipped him one of the Zinger box kits from Baker and Olive! I am an affiliate for Baker and Olive because my husband and I love all of their products!! My father was happy to receive his Father’s Day gift! If you would like to check it out, click here, or the picture below to go directly to the affiliate link.


Quiche Lorraine recipe


First, I made the pie crust:

I used this cookbook for the pie crust, which I feel is a must have in every kitchen:


Click on the picture above, or here, to go directly to the affiliate link.

So, first I made the pie crust, which turned out perfect! It was quick and easy too!  I don’t use shortening ever anymore. If I see shortening, I always replace it with Coconut Oil.


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Quiche Lorraine filling:

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Here is another kitchen towel recipe for flour tortillas!!!


I absolutely love recipe kitchen towels!!! Click on the picture above to go directly to the kitchen towel affiliate link. If you would like to make crochet kitchen towel toppers for your favorite recipe kitchen towel, here is the direct blog link:

Crochet Kitchen towel toppers


Click on the picture above, or here to go directly to the link. Mary Lake-Thompson has wonderful recipe kitchen towels too!


Click on the picture above, or here, to go directly to the affiliate link.

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I am an affiliate for Baker and Olive, simply because I use their products myself and love them!!! I purchased my next flavors from Baker and Olive!! Just when I thought Cranberry Pear Balsamic would be my favorite, I tasted Blackberry Ginger!!!  The label on the bottle makes some recommendations, but there are recipes on their site too!!  I hope that you end up enjoying their products as much as I do!!

Easter recipe fun!!! 

How to dye your own Easter Eggs naturally and a healthy but delicious carrot cake recipe with free PDF downloads!! I included the recipes in the YouTube video tutorial also!!

Crochet Filet Rabbit Hot Pad


This soup recipe looks delicious!

My first Seminal Easter Cake. I show how I made it towards the end of this video tutorial showing how I made a crochet orchid flower:

Pancakes from scratch:

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We love pancakes, and I make them all of the time! Here is my favorite recipe to use:

1 cup flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 egg

3/4 cup milk

1 to 2 TBSP Ginger Ale

2 TBSP Greek Chobani Vanilla Yogurt (Try substituting this with the Pomegranate Flummery recipe below) or (Try substituting this with Cottage Cheese, a little honey, a little vanilla, and a freshly squeezed lemon juice)

optional: 2 TBSP Oats and 2 TBSP cornmeal

Whisk all of the ingredients together and let sit for a couple of minutes before cooking. Delicious!!!


The above juicer is what I use for my oranges, lemons, and limes. I absolutely love it!!! It is so easy to use and clean! It is NOT cheap plastic. Mine is very sturdy and works great! No more seeds, and lots of juice from my oranges, lemons, and limes! I use it a lot for adding quick flavor during my cooking. Click on the picture above, or here, to go directly to the affiliate link.



Can you guess the fruit in the above picture?  If you guessed Persimmon, you are correct!  Click on the picture above, or here, to find out the wonderful health benefits provided by eating a Persimmon.


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You have to fully ripen a Persimmon before you can eat it. The Persimmon has to be really soft before it is ready to be eaten. I call it one of Nature’s candies! So delicious! I usually eat my Persimmon like a jelly on pancakes or toast!


Woman’s Day is one of my favorite magazines! It truly is. I just love all of the articles, and I really like the recipes too. This recipe I am about to share with you is definitely going into my favorites! I modified it slightly, but it still turned out absolutely delicious! This year, I learned that I can freeze cranberries. I have been using fresh cranberries now for the past couple of years for Thanksgiving. I rarely buy canned cranberries anymore. This year I froze a bag of cranberries, and I am so happy that I did! When I saw this recipe in Woman’s Day, I immediately thought of my frozen cranberries. I thawed my cranberries to make the recipe.


To find out how healthy cranberries are for you click on the picture above, or here.

Cranberry Flummery:

Flummery means: a sweet dish made with beaten eggs, milk, sugar, and flavorings.

Here is the Woman’s Day direct link to the free recipe online: Cranberry Flummery recipe

Here is the way I modified the recipe:


My next recipe is how I re-heated my Honey Baked Ham:


I chose a delicious Honey Baked Ham and this year I chose to add 1 cup of Ginger Ale to maintain the moistness of the Ham and not diminish the flavor.

How to reheat ham-in-bone in a slow cooker.

Have you ever heard of Hiyashi Chuka? So Delicious!

Recipe for Hiyashi Chuka:


I haven’t added the sauce yet on the Hiyashi Chuka bowls in the picture above. What is Hiyashi chuka?

“For those in the northern hemisphere suffering from summer heat, how about a cold ramen? Hiyashi chūka is made with cold Chinese-style egg noodles, with sweet vinegar sauce and topped with vegetables, egg and ham. It is a great dish to have on a hot summer day.”  “Hiyashi chūka” (冷やし中華) translates to chilled Chinese food. “Hiyashi” (冷やし) means chilled and “chūka” (中華) means China, Chinese or Chinese food.

This dish is high in sodium, and the sauce is more for flavoring than drinking like a soup. If you are concerned about too much sodium, the sauce for hiyashi chūka is usually made up of soy sauce, vinegar, sake, sugar and sesame oil. So, if you are watching your sodium intake, you can try to make your own topping with less soy sauce.

There are some “authentic” Japanese restaurants that sell Hiyashi Chuka, but not all of the restaurants sell it.  This is how I make my Hiyashi Chuka at home:


Click on the picture above, or click here to order on Amazon.


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I cook egg strips for mine. I just mix eggs with milk and then cook the mixture on the oven as shown in the pictures above. Some people cut the egg strips even thinner.


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Cook the noodles as directed on the package. You can tell by looking at the noodles that they are perfect! No spaghetti noodles for this dish, please. It does NOT taste the same. One package is usually enough for 1 person.  Make sure that after you boil the noodles, rinse the noodles with cold water. I even pour ice water over mine to get them nice and chilled. I made 2 bowls. I separate the noodles into 2 bowls.


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I love fresh corn on mine. You can either put the corn in the vegetable steamer for 15 minutes, or drop your corn in boiling water for 5 minutes. After the corn has cooled, I usually use my large pot to cut the corn off of the cob.

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You can add any favorite toppings that you want. Some people like to cut slices of ham for theirs. I put: tomatoes, enoki mushrooms, cucumber, carrot, corn, artificial crab, onions, and egg on mine.

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Don’t put the sauce on until you are ready to eat. Sometimes, I will cover mine with plastic wrap and stick it in the refrigerator until we are ready to eat. ENJOY!!!

I put this recipe link here, because I would like to try it myself one day.  I never realized the many health benefits of asparagus! I can’t wait to try this recipe!

Asparagus ribbons and pomegranate pearls salad
